Friday, November 19, 2010

In Search of the Color PInk

I found these lovely roses in my neighbor's yard.  He has three rose bushes along the picket fence that divides our properties.  The bushes were tended lovingly by his wife.  She passed away and number of years ago and they aren't nearly as beautiful as when she took care of them.  Here are roses from each of the bushes.

These lovely mums are in my other nieghbor's yard.  She has the most lovely mums growing on the side of her house.  I think these qualify as pink.  

The flowers above are from my yard.   The rose is what my mother called "Old Time Rose".  The bush has been in the yard since the house was built in the 1950's.  They are very delicate and don't last long when you cut them and put them in a vase.   The other flowers washed in with irrigation years ago and my father decided to let it grow up near the house.  (He usually mowed everything that wasn't in a flower bed.)  You must have guessed that the home belonged to my parents.  We decided to down size and move into the old neighborhood in 2005.  We love it here. It's a neighborhood where we have front porches and leave the light on at night.  Our neighborhood (West Clark) was recently listed in the National Historic Registery.  Such a great place to live.

Hope you have enjoyed this Pink tour of our neighborhood.   Weather has been lovely here in the desert Southwest but we are scheduled to cool down this weekend with possible rain. 

Thanks for visiting my Pink Saturday post and thanks to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hostessing the event.


  1. HPS! Lovely flowers. I thank you for your kind comment at my blog. Nick runs tomorrow at Toka Sticks Golf Course. He he enjoying himself and he likes AZ a lot. I think the altitude has something to do with it! LOL! But thanks for thinking of us and if you are in the area go say hello to Coach O'Shea and the Trojans from Thornton HS. I was telling Nick I know several bloggy friends in Arizona. Have a terrific weekend. Anne

  2. HPS! Lovely flowers. I thank you for your kind comment at my blog. Nick runs tomorrow at Toka Sticks Golf Course. He he enjoying himself and he likes AZ a lot. I think the altitude has something to do with it! LOL! But thanks for thinking of us and if you are in the area go say hello to Coach O'Shea and the Trojans from Thornton HS. I was telling Nick I know several bloggy friends in Arizona. Have a terrific weekend. Anne

  3. How wonderful that you live in your Family Home in a historic neighborhood. That makes the rose bush extra special and your Mothers Old Time Roses a treasure. So nice of your neighbors to share their pretty pinks! Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Thanksgiving, Pam.

  4. What gorgeous florals, so love the old rose, brings back so many memories of G'ma & Mother's roses.

    Have a beautiful Thanksgiving ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  5. So nice to see such lovely flowers. Everything is pretty gone in my neck of the woods, sigh!

    Happy PS,

  6. Pam, you are just so lucky to have beauty like that in Nov. Your neighbors roses are so pretty and the petal count is perfect. Your mums have the best color and are just magical. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  7. Lovely post, different than in snowy Minnesota! I especially love your Old Time Roses...just beautiful...

  8. Thanks for the pink blooms on this cold day!

    Happy PS!
    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae @
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  9. Pretty Pinks! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous flowers. Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sarah

  10. Those flowers are really pretty. Happy Pink Saturday and also Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Hi Pam, I'm Terri and I love your neighborhood. Seems I'm on that back porch in the cool of the day as the gentle breeze brings sweet floral fragrances of pink roses. Happy PS and Happy Thanksgiving. I've had a needle in my hand since I was 14 and love to embroider. Blessings Terri
