Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Going to Be a BLUE Christmas

I have decided to use the color Blue and Retro as the theme for my holiday decorating.  I was inspired by a piece of vintage fabric that I recently purchased at the thrift store.  I think it is 50's or 60's.  You can see my post here.
This is my first piece.  It will become part of a wall grouping in my living room.  You may remember that I recently painted the walls a pale blue.  The background fabric is my inspiration vintage fabric.

Last week I purchased the frame below at the local thrift store.  I think it is someone's wedding photo.  So sad that it ended up in the thrift store. 

Once home I removed the glass, matting, photo, and backing.  I discarded the glass.  Actually it broke when I was removing it.  Luckily, I was standing over the garbage can just in case this happened.


Frame, matting, and backing were then sprayed with silver metallic spray paint.  I gave the frame two coats.

Put it all back together.   Glued the fabric to the backing.  Added an ornament from JoAnn's.

A special thanks to kelleyhighway.blogspot for the inspiration.

I purchased some retro blue fabric and another ornament at JoAnn's yesterday.  They are destined to become the next wallhanging in the display.  I just need to find the right frame. 

Can't decide if I want a aluminum tree or a white one.  I've looked at a couple of white ones and wasn't impressed.  I have seen some of the vintage aluminum ones on ebay.   What do you think?  I'll keep you posted on my progess toward a Blue Christmas.


  1. How different and how charming decorating with blue this year! I love the idea of the blue and retro themes.

  2. Very cool! I think the only Christmas we will have will be a few arrangements scattered around.

  3. This is really fun, Pam! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your holiday decor!

  4. ok how crazy it that?! i just today decided we would be going for a blue Christmas this year! my son is 16 and informed me we will not be having any frosted pink or purple around this year.... i will be interested to see what you do with this idea.... happy holiday blessings to you!

  5. Go for the metallic tree for sure! I am trying to talk my sister into giving me the one my mom had when we were growing up, but no luck so far!

  6. I just love what you did. Show us more! The retro blue look will be fabulous.


  7. I love all your new stuff. You did superbly on that frame. I love the colors. It all looks like it came out of a magazine!

  8. how fun! I bet it will be a blue, blue Christmas at your house......
