Friday, December 10, 2010

Matchbox # 10

Francie made this lovely box.  She made a unique drawer pull from tiny snowflakes.  Tucked inside was a small "cup of tea".   The image on the front was stuck to the wrapping paper and a section was torn off when I removed the wrapping.  I covered it with that lovely glitter "10" when I mounted it on my display tray.  No one will even know about it's little mishap.  Thank you Francie. 


  1. All of these little matchbox creations are just the sweetest with all their little treasures tucked inside. I've been saving matchboxes so hope to decorate some this weekend. I think I will crochet necklaces to place inside. Thanks for inspiring! :) Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Pam, I have looked through your little boxes and you have received some really great ones. This is so much fun.
