Sunday, December 19, 2010

Matchbox 19

Match box # 19 comes from Peace.  The Silent Night theme is so beautiful with Mary and Baby.  Tucked inside the box was a lovely button charm.  Thank you Peace for this lovely matchbox.  We are starting the last week of the swap as we approach the birthday of our Savior.


  1. They have all been incredible! Hope you are having a good weekend.

  2. Pam, the matchboxes are adorable! I love them. Have a Merry Christmas!

  3. It has been so neat to see each of the matchboxes! Everyone so very creative and different. Your collection is a treasure! Merry Christmas!

  4. Pam,
    Thank you for your beautiful visit to my Cloche wire Christmas tree over at my place.

    I love the little match boxes you do, my daughter made one, and only one she stopped at the one to much little work for her I guess. We have tho get our others done. They are just to sweet to look at, are they not.

    Thank you again girl for your visit.
    Un Joyeux Noel
