Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Matchbox # 21

Matchbox for Day 21 is from Heidi.  I just love the house theme.  The minature bottlebrush tree near an elegantly decorated front door and a sparkling roof.  Inside is another house.  Don't you just love the old photo with the Santa cap.  It is a graduation photo.  Back is signed Dorothy.  What a wonderful matchbox.  Thank you Heidi.


  1. This is a really cute one! They all have had their sense of personality.

  2. Each and every one truly is a little work of art to be treasured. Thanks for sharing. Happy day to you, Tammy

  3. Oh my, it looks like a cute little book. Love it. MARY

  4. Lovely and creative posts! Thanks for stopping by my site on Pink Saturday.
