Friday, December 24, 2010

matchbox 24 - Christmas Eve

My Christmas Eve Matchbox comes from Ruth.  Ruth's blog is not operational at this time.  I'm sorry I can't think her personally.  But I do thank her for the lovely earrings and the beautifully decorated box.  Only one more day and my Countdown to Christmas display will be complete.  I hope to have a pic for you tomorrow.

Happy Christmas Eve.  I'm off to prepare  a Christmas Eve luncheon with tamales and margaritas.  Our former neighbors and my son's family will be here at noon.   


  1. Tamales and margaritas on Christmas Eve sounds delish! We had Japanese for lunch. Certainly not your typical holiday fare. Merry Christmas. Tammy

  2. Merry Christmas Pam! Here's wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday together. I hope your Christmas and following days are filled with the Merriment and Love that sharing this special time of the year brings!

    Tamales and margaritas...sounds great!
