Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Fabric Heart

I just had to make another of these fabric hearts.  For this one, I added a layer of lace on top of the batting.  The lacy fabric is from a top I bought at a thrift store on Saturday.  The cost was $1.00.  When I saw the top hanging on the Dollar Rack, I knew I could use it in my altered art.  So I bought it and brought it home and washed it. 
It was the perfect color for the batting hearts.  Other embellishments are from my stash.  I think I'll make a few more as Valentine's Day gifts for friends.  See yesterday's post for more info on the Smitten class or click on the link to the right.


  1. Oh, Pam, this is fabulous .. so elegant! You did a magnificent job on this beauty!

    We are having a GIVEAWAY ~
    Have a beautiful eve ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Pam it is beautiful, I love that you were able to take something from the good will and make it so elegant. HUGS MARY

  3. This one is wonderful! Maybe another swap is in order!

  4. Wow! So beautiful Pam. I am in love, ha!


  5. Pam both your hearts are so beautifully done.
    Anni from Smitten Class

  6. Pam I saw your heart at Smitten but wanted to visit your Blog to say how stunning it is. In awe of your textile skills.
    I'm already half way through a second heart as enjoyed the process so much.
    Looking forard to seeing your other creations.
