Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Images from the Past

Recently I was searching my vintage photo collection for a vintage image to use on a collage. As I searched through these images, I thought some of them would make a great post for Vintage Thingie Thursday. So here are a few of these vintage photographs.

 Feel free to use them since they are my originals and are not copyrighted.  I purchased many of them a number of years ago from Ebay.  The seller had purchased a box of these images at an Estate Sale.  When I purchased them, I told her I planned to use them in my altered art projects.  She replied that she had never heard of "altered art".  Guess that's a good thing or she might have kept them for herself.

To see more Vintage Thingies look here. 


  1. These are great vintage photos. I so love to see vintage photos of children, so cute. Happy VTT!

  2. I find it so interesting looking back on the lifestyles and fashions of anther time.

  3. Hi Pam, when I saw the thumbnail of that first image, I thought you were gonna say you were feeling under the weather. Ha! Great images. Isn't it amazing what others are selling out there? The folks in these images all had lives and names and stories. I wonder what they were? Best wishes to you for a beautiful day. Tammy

  4. I love vintage pictures and also have a small collection. I have already become your follower and hope that you will visit me. I appreciate the gift of being able to use the pictures you have posted here today.

  5. Those are some great vintage photos. It's so fun to look at the style of dress and wonder what their lives were like, etc.

  6. My favorite is the one with the little girl standing on the bench.

  7. GREAT old photos and that little girl on the bench stole my heart :)


  8. Thank you Pam darling.
    I may use or forward one of your beautiful photos thank you so much!!
    Thank you for sharing my love of the birds and there sweet homes!
    see you soon girl, keep inspiring us with your great finds.

  9. Great photos, I also have a little collection for my altered art and greeting cards. These are fantastic, very interesting!


  10. The pictures are adorable. Great collection.


  11. Pam those pictures are darling! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your Accuquilt! I do hope someday you can get your ornaments out may God Bless you!!
