Saturday, January 1, 2011

No Resolutions Just A Word for 2011

I have decided to select a word for 2011.  The word I have selected is "REJOICE".   The dictionary defines rejoice as "to be glad, take delight".  I resolve to "rejoice" in the wonders that each day brings.  Today I'm so glad to be blessed with wonderful friends.   


  1. i am a word choser myself! this year i decided on "intent".... "rejoice" is a really good one too! happy new year! blessings...s...

  2. REJOICE! That's a good one. Rejoice in each new day. That's my plan. I like INTENT too. I always have good intentions, but don't always follow through. Best wishes to you for a happy day. Tammy

  3. I gave up on resolutions a long time ago. Not sure what my word will or peace! I could use both as you know...

  4. I agree-no resolutions-love the word you picked!
