Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Paint-by-Number and VTT

Did you ever do a paint-by-number picture?  I can recall doing a few many years ago.  I found these two paint-by-number pictures at the local thrift store.  They were in simple oak frames and priced at $1.99.  I brought them home and took them from their frames.  The boat scene is currently displayed on a shelf in my living room but I think I will replace it with the snow scene for a few weeks.  I love the colors in both these paintings.  Someone spent a great deal of time and effort painting these little vintage treasures.  I'm so glad I found them..  I am sharing them on Vintage Thingie Thursday.  You will find more vintage thingies here.


  1. Yes, many years ago I did things like this. None looked as nice as these. Great find and the way you famed looks good.

  2. I love the paint by number pictures...I remember them so much from my your blog...I will come again...blessings,Shelley

  3. these are really nice, I like them, brings back lots of memories. Happy VTT

  4. Those are so much fun, I would love to find some! Not that I have any space to hang them, of course. I saw something on TV about a year ago about a couple who collect them, their walls were just crammed with them, it was fascinating.

  5. I think PBN's have so much charm. Didn't they recently add an exhibit at the Smithsonian just for PBN? Thanks for sharing, Nan

  6. I remember painting so many of those in my childhood. :)
    Those that you found are painted really well. Enjoy.

  7. I can remember doing these as a child, but mine never came out this nicely, lol! The boat one reminds me of a lot of the little fishing communities here in New England. Happy VTT!

  8. The paint by numbers painting are interesting finds. Just became a friend and follower and am new to the VTT party. Hope you will stop by. It's so great to make new friends

  9. I used to do paint by number projects all the time when I was younger. Now, when I find one at a yard sale or thrift store, it comes home with me.

  10. Yes, I did a paint by number horse once. I think it ended up in the garbage after a few years. Even with paint by number I'm not the best artist.

  11. These are GREAT! I remember doing paint by numbers, they were alot of fun ... and seeing yours brings back a lot of memories!

    Have a lovely weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. Hello! I found your blog while searching for info about my PBN fishing boat! Basically - it's the same as yours, but it's so interesting to see the individual differences as each painter interpreted the instructions! Yours is much neater, mine has a much looser style - at first I wasn't even sure it was a PBN! I love the water in yours - mine is very impressionistic. Like you, I absolutely love mine! Thanks for sharing yours.
