Tuesday, January 11, 2011

School Photo????

Do you think this could be a school photo?  Is  the teacher the lady in the back middle?  Could the building in the background be the dorm or school house?  So many questions.

I'm working on a Winter collage and needed a vintage photo.  I found this photo in my collection of vintage photographs.  I'm not using it in the collage but decided to share it with you.  A few years ago, I purchased a box of vintage photos on Ebay.  They were from somewhere in New England and included some really neat old photos.  This is one of them.   I selected a different photo for the collage.  

Don't you just love the hats and the clothing! 

1 comment:

  1. it is a great photo.......I love looking at the old fashions and hairstyles...Wonder what these people would think of the way things are today?
    I am so glad to be able to come visit and tell you Thanks for being a good friend to me Pam........
