Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Totally Useless Stitch-a-Long

I have decided to participate in a fun stitch-a-long.  You can find out more info about the Totally Useless Stitch-a-Long here.  We are to save our Old Ratty Threads, thread clippings, etc.  I sharing the clippings from my Crazy 30's quilt today on the first new moon of 2011.  These clippings were all over my studio after I trimmed the squares for my Crazy 30's quilt.  Too small to do anything with so they are my contribution to TUSAL.  Happy STITHCING!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I like how the clippings look in the glass jar....................HUGS MARY

  2. Hi Pam,
    I am taking part in this too! :)
    Wow you really filled that vased up to the brim. :)
    I just uploaded my first Art Doll of 2011. Go have a look a pls. leave a comment.
