Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Upcycled Denim Jacket

I recently listed this little upcycled denim jacket  in my Etsy shop.  It features a back panel of wonderful vintage fabric.  The fabric did not have a manufacturer on the selvage but it is vintage.  I have seem similar fabrics for sale on Etsy and Ebay.  The rick rack is also vintage.  I found the jacket at the thrift store and after washing began upcycling.

  The back panel is made from a piece of the vintage fabric featuring a ballerina.  I think this is my favorite denim jacket redo so far.  I just love the design on the fabric.  I found two pieces of this fabric in the thrift store some time ago.  The other piece is has pink instead of blue tutus.  Hope the jacket finds a good home with a "little ballerina".  This jacket is a 4 T. 

I've had requests for larger sizes but I have difficulty finding any jackets larger than a 4 that are worthy of upcycling.  I think the older children wear their clothing longer and most are quite threadbare by the time they reach the thrift store.  The little ones grow so fast that their donated clothing is usually in good condition. 

1 comment:

  1. Pam, this is so darling and such a good idea. I have so much stuff I could use for upcycling. I've done denim bags and sold them before. It's fun to make old new again
