Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Vintage Bauer Strawberry Canisters

I couldn't believe my eyes when I spied these canisters on the shelf at my local Goodwill earlier this week.  They are in perfect condition and have the Bauer name on the bottom.  There was a Coffee one but it had a large crack and I decided to leave it there.  The best part was the price.  Flour and Sugar were $2.99 each and Tea $1.99.  Better than that it was Senior Day with it's 25% discount.  Total price $5.97 for all three.  I put them in my cart and rushed to the front to pay for them. 
The wood was dried but I used a little vegetable oil and they look good as new.  Don't they look perfect sitting on the counter above my sink.  My vintage kitchen counter tile still shines after almost 60 years. 

I'm linking to Vintage Thingie Thursday.  Please check out all the wonderful Vintage Treasures. 


  1. You were wise in getting these. I have not seen them in a long time. To find them in this condition is a blessing.

  2. What a great score. You're right, they look great on your counter.

  3. Great find! Those were expensive and hard to find! Not that I have them but glad you found them! Hugs Marilou

  4. What a great set! I love that they have wood lids!

  5. Wow what an amazing set! And such a great price. Great find!


  6. Great find! I love successful treasure hunts:) I started an Etsy store and added yours to my favorites:) So much fun, thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Thanks for stopping at my shop:) I think it will be fun. Yours is darling, and you are a busy girl too! I admire your creativity, can't wait to see what you will have next:)

  8. Fantastic Find, Pam, and they do look perfect on your counter which is amazing, too! I use all of my vintage the way they look and the idea that they have been so well used for someone's Home Sweet Home Kitchen.

    Your Bloggy looks pretty in purple and all Springy! Love the header picture. Very nice!

  9. great find, I wish my gw had items at those prices. love your counter and the color!!

  10. These are perfect and in such good shape, what a bargain too. I love your old tile counters, don't see them much anymore in such good condition.

  11. Great find and they look terrific in your kitchen!

  12. What a great find, and how lucky you were. I love your tile....that is a pretty color. Happy VTT!

  13. Great find. I did not even know that Bauer made cannisters. ~~Sherry~~
