Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Memory Quilt

I just finished the binding yesterday on this very special quilt.  It is a memory quilt made for young man named James.  James is almost 8 and the quilt is made from shirts that belonged to his father. 

James' grandmother contacted me some time ago to see if I would make the quilt for James.  His dad died from cancer when James was just a baby.  It seems that James decided he needed something that belonged to his daddy and his grandmother thought of a quilt.  I met with James and his mom.  James selected the shirts and I constructed the quilt top.  James and his mom went shopping and bought a black fabric for the back of the quilt. 

I will be delivering the quilt this week and hope James finds comfort when he cuddles in this "Special Quilt".


  1. Oh my gosh Pam! The quilt is absolutely gorgeous! And the story behind it. I'm crying now. So touching, so heartbreaking. I know that the little guy will love it. Will be like his daddy wrapping his love around him and keeping him warm and safe. Such a wonderful thing you have done. God bless! Tammy

  2. Pam, this is so truly special...just touched my heart! It is beautiful and will be the most wonderful comforting keepsake...you did a wonderful job! XO

  3. Memory Quilts are true treasures and this one will be a special treasure for a lifetime. You have done wonderful job and given a beautiful gift to James.

    I've been away and am blog hoppin' to catch up with everyone. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week....Sue

  4. What a treasure and a perfect remembrance of his father. I'm sure that James will have this his entire life and then pass it on to his own children. What a wonderful thing for you to do for their family. Beautiful!

  5. Hi Pam,
    Wow that Memory Quilt is really special! I know that James will truly love it and his dad will be with him forever.
    Hugs and sorry that I have been away for so long. I am now trying to catch up.
