Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alphabet Quilties - A B C

"A" is for Angel

"B" is for Bird.

"C" is for Cowgirl

One of my blog followers asked if I had posted all the alphabet quilties from the Alphabet Quiltie Swap.  The swap is from the group Fabric in Altered Arts 2 and Penny has been the hostess for the past 23 months.  I've decided to repost my quilties leading up to the end of the swap in August.   Here is my first installment.


  1. Those turned out great! I wish I had been in it from the beginning.

  2. Am I that follower? :) Your blocks are wonderful. That birdie is the cutest! I just posted about the textile exhibition hubby and I went to yesterday. You would be right at home there and definitely would be a ribbon winner with anything you would enter. Best wishes for the weekend. Tammy
