Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday -Pink Sunset

I've chosen to share a few photos of our trip to Northern Arizona this week.  We spent a few days in our motorhome at a campground near Happy Jack, Arizona.

This was the sky last evening as we drove through the forest of Northern Arizona near Happy Jack.  It was such a lovely pink sky.  We drove on the forest service road hoping to see wildlife.  We did happen upon a few elk drinking at one of the water tanks near the road.  Beautiful animals.

Wednesday we drove to Flagstaff. Along the way we visited this beautiful mountain lake.  I don't remember the name but it was beautiful with the white clouds and blue sky in the background.

This is a picture of the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff.  The photo was taken from Mormon Lake.  Northern Arizona is one of my favorite places.  I spent my college years looking out the dorm windows at these peaks.  Many times they were covered with snow as they are in this photo. 

Hope you enjoyed this little tour of Northern Arizona and hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday.  For more Pink Saturday posts, check out Beverly's blog.


  1. You captured some very pretty sights from a lovely part of the country.

  2. Beautiful images. Sounds like you had a lovely trip. We went to Arizona on family trips when I was growing up and I had a friend that lived in Scottsdale for some time. I was last there in 1991 -- forever ago it seems. It is hot here and a bit hazy today. Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy

  3. Glad you had a nice trip! I love the pictures.

  4. The 'mountains' of AZ re beautiful. Love sunrise/sunset pics always ... yours are awesome. Good eye!

    Have a beautiful PINK weekend ~
    TTFN ~

    5 Day GIVEAWAY, pop over

  5. Lovely photos Pam!
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :)
    Hugs and hope you had a lovely time.
