Sunday, June 26, 2011

Red, White, and Blue

I've been busy finishing a couple of Red, White, and Blue projects for the Living/Dining Room.  I began these projects while in Ky the end of May and just finished this week. 
This quilt was made from Jelly Rolls.  It was a kit I ordered from FatQuarters.Com.  I thought it was perfect for my summer theme.  I sewed the top in Ky and finished quilting this week.  This is my first quilt made completely from a Jelly Roll.  Very easy to do and I love the results.

I found this little lamp at an estate sale a few weeks ago and thought it would look great on the table below the quilt.  The lady was moving back to live with family in the mid-west and was selling most of her belongings.  All she was taking with her was clothing, personal items, and a few special pieces. 

I completed this little wall hanging while at our home in KY.  It is made from a tablerunner kit from  I didn't make the entire tablerunner, just the center section.  I wanted a small quilt to use as a summer wallhanging in the dining area.  When I ordered the two kits, I didn't realize that were made from the same fabric.  Lucky Me!  It works perfectly with the larger quilt in the living area.  I have more summer decorating to do.  Front porch with Red, White, and Blue quilt is next on my list.

Happy Summer!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Waffle Art

My beautiful granddaughter's are attending a children's program this week at the local community college.  They arrive at my home dressed each morning and ready for breakfast before I take them to MCC.  We had a craft book and they found instructions for waffle art.  They asked if they could make these one day this week.  Last evening my DH stopped by the grocery and picked up the fruit.  We had frozen waffles in the freezer.

These are pictures of their waffle art.  As soon as the pictures were taken they began eating their ART.  The process went  smoothly.  I gave each girl a cutting board and their waffles and fruit.  They them constructed their art on their plates.  It was a fun project for all.

I usually don't post pictures of the family but these were too cute and I just had to share.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June Block - Civil War Chronicles Quilt

Just finished the June blocks of the month for the Civil War Chronicles quilt.  Last month we completed the large center of the quilt.  We are now making squares that will be used in the corners of the quilt.   This month we made four of these blocks.  The fabrics introduce a new color to the quilt.  Again we had lots and lots of triangles.  Most this month were quarter squares. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dressed to the Nines Quilt

I purchased this Dressed to the Nines pattern a few years ago at a quilt show here in Mesa.  This spring I decided to make a quilt for a college friends granddaughter.  I remembered this cute little quilt of dresses and located the pattern in the pattern box.  I used fabric from my stash and also purchased a few pieces at the Cabbage Rose Quilt Shop.  The cute little shop recently opened here in Mesa and she has the most beautiful fabric.  Lots of pretty florals. 

I appliqued the dresses to the white squares and then attached the sashing.  The dresses are machine appliqued and when machine quilting I stitched around each dress.  The quilt is boxed and ready to go to the post office tomorrow.  I emailed my friend last week and the parents aren't telling the name until she gets here.  So for now the quilt is for "Baby Girl". 

The neighbor across the street is expecting a girl late this summer so I'll be working on another little girl quilt soon.  Haven't selected a pattern for that one yet.  I'd like to continue using my stash if possible.

I haven't blogged much lately.  It's summer and the granddaughters are visiting each week.  I love having them here but I don't have much computer time.  This week they will be attending a gifted camp at the local community college.  I provide breakfast and taxi services as well as before and after time.  It is so much fun to have them here in the summer.  Now that they are both in school, I miss having time with them each week during the school year. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Civil War Chronicles Block of the Month

This is the Civil War Chronicles Block of the Month quilt after the May blocks.  This is the center of the quilt and will eventually be placed on point in the quilt.  The finished quilt will measure 108" x 108".  I didn't measure this piece but it is displayed on a king size bed so you get the idea of its size. 

I don't think we will be adding to this center piece until the end of the quilt.  I have my June kit and it is for four squares that will be placed in the corner pieces.  This has been a challenging quilt so far with lots of half square triangles.  But the finished quilt is just beautiful and I'm so pleased with mine so far.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Southwest Quilt Finished

I have posted about this quilt previously.  It is a quilt top that I made in a class a number of years ago.  I wasn't pleased with the borders and put it in the cedar chest.  I discovered it this year while spring cleaning and decided that maybe it wasn't so bad after all.  I sent it to Wanda in Ohio to be quilted.  I just finished the binding this week and I have to admit it is lovely.  I am so pleased with the quilting pattern Wanda designed for it.  It really added to the southwest flavor of the quilt.  I purchased the backing fabric at Mulqueen's here in Mesa and it was perfect for the southwest theme.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

More Alphabet Quilties G, H, & I

Since the Alphabet Quiltie on Fabric in Altered Arts 2 is quickly coming to an end.  I am sharing some of my previous quilties from this swap. 

These are the quilties for G, H, and I.  Each of these quilties had a theme:  Glitzy Garment, Heart, and Inked Image. 

 The top quiltie is  G for "Glitzy Garment".  It is embellished with Barbie clothing and accessories.

The middle quiltie is H for "Heart".  This quilties is embellished with a machine embroidery heart, vintage flower pin, and a heart quote.

The theme for I was "Inked Image".  I used PaintSticks to make the images on a piece of black fabric.  I them added glitter and rhinestones.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Alphabet Quiltie - "X" marks the spot

This is my "X" quiltie for the alphabet quiltie swap on the Yahoo Group Fabric in Altered Art 2.  We only have two more to go.  We began two years ago next month.  It has been fun.  I plan to make a little book with all my quilties.

I decided to use the theme - X marks the spot for my X quiltie.  I downloaded the treasure map.  I used Photo shop to add the words and then printed it on fabric.  I  added stitching with red embroidery floss and embellished with two coins and a lock from a little vintage cedar chest. 

I have been out of town for a few weeks but will continue to share previous alphabet quilties later this week.