Thursday, June 9, 2011

More Alphabet Quilties G, H, & I

Since the Alphabet Quiltie on Fabric in Altered Arts 2 is quickly coming to an end.  I am sharing some of my previous quilties from this swap. 

These are the quilties for G, H, and I.  Each of these quilties had a theme:  Glitzy Garment, Heart, and Inked Image. 

 The top quiltie is  G for "Glitzy Garment".  It is embellished with Barbie clothing and accessories.

The middle quiltie is H for "Heart".  This quilties is embellished with a machine embroidery heart, vintage flower pin, and a heart quote.

The theme for I was "Inked Image".  I used PaintSticks to make the images on a piece of black fabric.  I them added glitter and rhinestones.


  1. I love what you did on all of them!

  2. I love all the quilties...especially the weave one...It has been so fun to go back and catch up and see all your beautiful put me to shame Pam!
