Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another Shopping List Folio

I just completed this shopping list folio for my cousin.  She recently accepted a position at the University of Kentucky.  I had this fabric in my stash and thought it would make a perfect little gift for her.  It will be winging its way to Kentucky on Monday. 

This is my third folio.  So glad I found the pattern.  They are simple and quick to make.  You can personalize them with fabric or embroidery machine. 

We have two Christmas parties today and a birthday party tomorrow.  Seems the holidays get here fast.  I completed the tree decorating yesterday.  Now it time to wrap presents to put under it.


  1. This is so cute and useful too. I really like the personal touch, your cousin should be a very happy camper!

  2. These are really cute! And such great gifts, too!
