Thursday, December 8, 2011

I Finished the Rag Quilt!!!!!!!!!!

You may recall that when I posted this rag quilt earlier, I wasn't going to clip the seams but let my niece do it.  I guess I'm allowed to change my mind.  I just couldn't let an unfinished quilt sit in my studio.  So I started clipping a little each day and before I knew it, I had finished the quilt.  My first experience  with a rag quilt wasn't pleasant because I waited until the last minute to begin the clipping.  Funny how things don't seem so overwhelming when you do a little at a time.

The quilt isn't large but perfect as a throw on our cool winter evenings here in the desert.  It is still shedding some little threads but most have been removed by washing and drying the quilt.  I also took it outside and gave it a good shaking.  I'm very pleased with the results and hope the Tiller family enjoys their Rag Quilt.


  1. Wow, Pam...what brillant plaids! Aren't rag quilts the easiest and most durable quilts? I've made several and they have been washed an made more raggedy with every wash....and they are still lookin' good. You've just given me an idea for my Grandsons Christmas...thanks!

  2. I love rag quilts, it turned out great.

  3. I love it! The ragged bits give it character. :) Happy weekend wishes to you and yours, Tammy

  4. That's gorgeous .... can almost feel the textures!!!
