Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's beginning to feel alot like Christmas

The bottom of the tree is now filled with presents.  The Christmas music is playing in the background.  A cake is in the oven.  Granddaughters will arrive shortly to organize the "Baby Jesus" display.  That's what R2 (youngest one) calls the little manger scenes that I have collected over the years.  There are a couple of empty shelves waiting to be decorated with "Baby Jesuses"!

Last evening we attended the Dave Koz Christmas concert at the Mesa Arts Center.  I think this is our 4th or 5th year to attend these wonderful concerts.  Jonathan Butler's "O Holy Night"  always brings tears to my eyes.  Last evenings concert had wonderful lighting displays to accompany the great performance.

My college roommate arrived in town last evening.  Another of our college friends will arrive tomorrow morning.  The guest room is ready for her.  We "girls" will be attending the luminarias at the Desert Botanical Gardens tomorrow evening.

Saturday will be busy with breakfast with girlfriends before they leave for their respective homes.  Lunch with retired co-workers from our old office.  Holiday light tour in the motorhome Saturday evening with sister's family.  An annual tradition to honor the memory of our son Paul.

Then a two day break before DH's daughter and granddaughter's arrive for a visit. 

WOW now that I look at my schedule, I'm already tired.  But it will be great to see friends and family and celebrate our Savior's birth.


  1. What a lovely week ahead of you Pam.
    Love the tree.
    Merry Christmas
    TTFN ~

  2. Sounds like lots of wonderful gatherings with family and friends. Enjoy! We have one more week of school before our holiday begins. Best wishes to you and yours, Tammy
