Monday, December 19, 2011

Snowman Sauna Mug

Another Snowman Post.
Have you seen these little guys?  I saw them on here on Jessica's blog.  She even wrote a tutorial for them.  I changed mine up a little.  I didn't include candy.  These will be gifts for neighbors and I will also give a plate of cookies so I decided the candy wasn't necessary.  I went to Food City to find the Nestle Abuelita Hot Chocolate Mix that Jessica recommends.  I tried a cup and it is delicious.  I see why it is her favorite.

I think these will be favors at next years Christmas Light Tour in the motorhome.  I will check thrift stores throughout the year for great mugs to use.  I have saved the tags that I created on the computer and the written instructions.  I even have some of the bags left.


  1. Pam,
    I love your snowman saunas! Those "hot tubs" are just too cute!
    I think I will scour my thrift store throughout the year for great "hot tubs" for next year, too! Great idea.
    I am so glad you liked the Abuelita's hot chocolate. I will have to make a cup later today. :)

  2. Love your snowmen and it's a nice idea!
