Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vintage Tablecloth curtains

I finally decided what I wanted for my kitchen curtains.  I remembered that I had purchased a vintage tablecloth last year at the thrift store.  I got it out and discovered that it was the perfect color for our redecorated kitchen.  I cut two ends from the tablecloth, sewed them together and added a hem and top casing.  I love the finished curtains.  The color is perfect and the retro look is perfect.

There was a small piece from the middle of the tablecloth remaining after I made the curtains.  I made two small tea towels and put them ont the handle of the range. 


  1. Oh Pam, this is so sweet! You did an amazing job and your kitchen is cheerful! I love it!

  2. Great repurpose! Instead of just a tablecloth, you now have curtains and teatowels. And when you know your colors and what you like, everything just seems to come together. :) Hope you are having a good day! We have dust -- the fine white stuff that hangs in the air. Do you get that kind over there? Total yuck! Best wishes to you, Tammy

  3. Such a pretty combination and I love the red and aqua color, thanks for sharing, Maureen.

  4. Oh MY GOSH...I LOVE your kitchen and these are the cutest curtains
