Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter Fabric Postcard

I made three of these little Easter Fabric Postcards for my friends.  I had wanted to try redwork embroidery with my Janome 11000.  This was a perfect opportunity to experiment.  The design is from Martha Pullen.  I purchased it a number of years ago when I attended an embroidery conference.  She was one of the guest presenters.  I just love to listen to her speak.  She suggested that we use # 30 thread.  It is thicker than regular embroidery thread.  I didn't have any so I just used my regular thread.  I'm hoping to get to the fabric store next week and I'll purchase some of the thicker thread.  I would like to do a complete quilt with redwork.

I plan to make one more postcard tomorrow and I plan to use a bright pink thread.  I think it will work for an Easter card. 

I'm finding it difficult to find to time to blog.  Things are very busy here at home with DH's health issues and picking up my Grand Girls from school each day.  I do try to read as many blogs as possible.  I'm thinking it may be time to take a blog break and catch my breath.


  1. Very pretty fabric postcards. Life sure does get busy at times. The great thing about blogging is you can take a break any time you like. When you come back, we'll still be here to greet you. Take care! And have a great new week. Tammy

  2. I love your redwork postcard, it looks so professional. You did a great job with these! Thanks for sharing and have a great week, Nan

  3. Hi Pam,
    I am back!
    Hope you had a lovely Easter!
    Love all the Easter things you made. The table topper, little egg tree and that lovely Easter postcard in red! You are really enjoying your machine. :)
    I just uploaded some new things to my blog. Please stop by and leave a comment. :)

  4. Pam, Thanks so much for your beautiful comment on Learning how to sew. It's too bad young kids don't learn this skill much any more. I taught both my boys to use the machine and they made stuff like stuffed knives to fight with and capes for costumes. Who'd have thought of that? Anyway your fabric post card is lovely. Don't feel bad about not blogging often-I took an 8 month break!
