Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mini Bookshelf Quilt

My goal is to complete at least one project each week.  This is my project for the past week.  I found the tutorial on Craftsy by Elizabeth Dackson.  I have to admit that I found some of the instructions confusing but in the end I am quiet pleased with the results.  It is a birthday present for a friend who is a librarian and quilter.  When I saw the little quilted wall hanging, I knew I had to make one for her.
I thought using the selvages from fabric was a very creative use of something we would otherwise discard.  The original pattern didn't include the stippling of the background but I thought it would help to highlight the books.   This was a great way to use some of the fabric in my stash.

Next week I hope to begin working on three table-toppers for my lunch group ladies. 


  1. Pam, This quilt is really cute. I love how you added the edges for the book titles. I'm sure your friend will love it. Good luck on the project a week. I need to set some goals like that, but I'm probably too scatter brained to keep up with it.LOL

  2. Hi Pam! That is such a cute quilt. Perfect for a librarian! Hope all is well. Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Came over from Tammy's blog and I love how creative you quilt was..great idea to use the selvedged edges.

  4. That's very clever and just as cute as it can be. :)

  5. this is wonderful....I love to read and this is a great tribute for someone who is a librarian!
