Monday, June 11, 2012

Adam's Needle

This week I am going to show photos of the flowers we found in our yard in Kentucky when we visited recently.  When we arrived these lovely plants caught our attention.  I have 4 of these plants that my Uncle dug up in his yard and gave me.  From what he said the original plants are very old.  He didn't know their official name so I searched on line and they ae Yucca filamentasa or Adam's Needle.  Guess they are considered an evergreen.

More photos tomorrow.  Hope you enjoy seeing these photos.  Since we live in Arizona,  we really appreciate the color and green at our vacation home in Kentucky.


  1. How funny that you live in a desert country yet have a yucca plant in Kentucky. It's very pretty. So many blooms. and all that green grass. Beautiful! Hope all is well. Tammy

  2. Pam, I've been gone a few days and you finished your quilt. It came out beauitfully and the colors are spectacular! The yucca flowers are pretty. We used to live in AZ where you saw them evertwhere!

  3. I've passed a sunshine award your way today. :) Best wishes, Tammy
