Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fabric Book

I'm back in my studio after a long absence due to vacation and then illness with short hosptial stay.  I'm finally able to spend some time creating.  I recently found a tutorial for a small fabric book here.  I changed it up a bit but basically followed her instructions for the book construction.  The theme is sewing and stitches.

I used a couple of stamp sets and added items from my stash.  The purple pants are ones I made for my little sister's Barbie in the 60's.  Fabris was linen leftover from a 4-H sewing project. 

 The back is dedicated to one of my favorite's - "Quilting".


  1. I love the fabric books. So pretty! And such detail. What fun! Sorry to hear you have been ill. Hope all is well now. Take care! Tammy

  2. This is such a great idea. I haven't seen a fabric scrapbook-I love that it combines both worlds. Love the Barbie pants-so cute. I hope you are feeling better and back to normal.

  3. It's just the sweetest creation! I love the little purple pants that you made so long ago. So happy to have you back in your creative groove again. Hope all is well:-)

  4. Hi Pam,
    So happy to see you creating again! Hope you are feeling well. :)
    I love your little fabric book. The theme is right up your alley! :)

  5. I love seeing what you come up with. Sorry you were ill! Hope you are better. It has not been a good year for a lot of people.
