Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Tablerunner

I added the binding to this tablerunner yesterday.  I completed the quilt top and quilting while in Kentucky a few weeks ago.  The runner is from a kit.  A couple of years ago I signed up for a Tablerunner of the Month Club and am still making some of the tablerunners. 

The kits are perfect for my Ky projects.  All I need is batting and thread to complete the projects.
 I keep my little Viking Lily and a few quilting supplies in Kentucky for these projects.  I love to sit at the sewing machine and watch the squirrels and birds out the window as I sew.  So peaceful and quiet in the country.  But then I'm glad to get back to the big city with all that's happening here.  Especially spending time with my two beautiful granddaughters.  They began school yesterday and my pick-up after school routine has begun. 


  1. How pretty, Pam! I just love the colors and fabrics you chose!

  2. Isn't it nice to be able to bring projects to work on when you're away? Love this runner and the pretty colors you chose.

  3. love the runner, beautiful color combinations

  4. Best wishes to the girls as they head back to school. My boys don't start until September 4th but I go back on the 26th. Your tablerunner is very pretty. I don't know how quilting is every quick and easy but you sure make it look to be just that the way you are whipping these projects up. :) Have a great day. Tammy

  5. Such a pretty table runner. I love the colors. I also love having an away project if we go somewhere.
