Thursday, August 30, 2012

Upcycled Linen Hand Towel

As many of you know, I love visiting the thrift stores.  I'm always thrilled when I can upcycle an item and give it new life.  That's what I did with this lovely little hand towel.  Last week I found a square linen tablecloth with a lovely border.  I think it is what's called a twin-needle stitch around the border.  It looked as if it had never been used.  Probably sat in someone linen closet for years.  I immediately thought it would make beautiful hand towels if I added machine embroidery designs.

So I purchased it, brought it home and threw it in the washer.  Today I cut out four hand towels and added machine embroidery.  This design is another Anita Goodesign called Christmas Curls.  The linen is a little tricky to sew but I'm very pleased with my first towel.  I think this one is staying with me for the holidays.  Maybe the other three will become gifts.  My goal is to experiment with my new machine on a variety of fabrics before I go to my second class on Friday.  This week I've tried the bar towels and now linen.   Not sure what's next. 


  1. I love how you recycled that tablecloth. The towel came out so pretty. I've never done that-uh oh. Going to my old linen stash right now! Aren't thrift stores the most fun?

  2. How lovely that you took one tablecloth and turned it into 4 pretty towels that you can keep or give away. :) Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy
