Sunday, September 2, 2012

Beginning a Great Outdoors Quilt

I am beginning work on a Great Outdoors quilt.  These are the first two squares of the quilt.  The design is another Anita Goodesign Collection.  I saw the completed quilt at an Anita Goodesign event in March but hadn't seen the packet available at my local sewing store until last week.  I'm using stash fabrics for the appliqued designs.  My goal is to complete as many projects as I can using fabric from my stash.  I haven't decided on the sashing yet.  I think I'll complete all the embroidery blocks and then audition some of my stash fabric.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend.  It has been a quiet one here.  DH has a nasty virus and is being  with steroids and antibiotics.  There is something going around here and many people are ill with similar issues.  I've heard it is related to all the dust we've had blowing around lately.   


  1. Your outdoor themed quilt is lovely! So great that you are able to use material from your stash. I bet you have a good supply built up from all the quilting you've done. Steroids and antibiotics together doesn't sound good at all. Hope hubby gets better soon. Take care, Tammy

  2. Pam
    I love that moose. You are so good to use your stash. By the way I wanted to let you know my wool package got here safe and sound. Thank you , thank you. I can't wait to dive in to a new wool project with some of that pretty gray wool.
