Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Mail Arrived Today


My Leaf Quilt arrived in the mail today.  I sent it to Wanda in Ohio to be quilted.  I made the top a few years ago and didn't do anything with it.  I recently decided to send it to Wanda.  She does such a great job of quilting.  Here is the finished quilt (minus the binding).  I'll do the binding this weekend.

The quilt fits the double bed in my guestroom.  I'm not sure this will be its final home but it does look great with the white wicker headboard.
Check out the lovely quilting detail in the photo below.  Wanda's designs are always so awesome.   My only request was that she do a few leaves in the quilt.   
Can you see those cute little leaves on the inner boarder?  I just love them.  I am very proud of my mitered corner on this quilt.  Stripes match perfectly! 
Thanks Wanda.  The arrival of my quilt this morning had me doing a "Happy Dance".


  1. The quilt is lovely. And so nice that you and Wanda can share the experience of making it. Hope you are having a good weekend. Tammy

  2. Another lovely quilt! Wanda did a beautiful job quilting it for you!
    She is amazing!

  3. I'd be doing a happy dance too. Beautiful quilt and the quilting the quilting that she did is perfect!
