Monday, October 8, 2012

From Halloween to Christmas

Yesterday I worked on a Halloween project.  Today I'm on to a Christmas project.  This little framed machine embroidery (11" x 14") is for a friend that collects snowmen.  I loved the design from Anita Goodesign's most recent design pack, Christmas Trio.  I was able to use fabric from my stash and the frame was in the garage.  I try to pick up a few frames at yard sales and thrift stores to use for craft projects.
I love this little snowman and may have to make one for myself.  Next time I think I will use fusible web behind lighter blue background.  It did wrinkle a little during embroidery.  But I still love it and know my friend will too.


  1. Hello, Dear! I've just discovered your lovely blog, and I'm now following you ~ so nice to meet you! Love this snowman!!

  2. How cute, I love your little snowman! Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  3. Hi Pam...gosh that snowman design is too cute. Makes me want to get out my embroidery machine and start another Calendar Quilt...LOL!!! Think I outta finish the one I started? Thanks for visiting...always so nice to hear from you and visit to see what you are sewing! Have a great week...Sue

  4. So cute! Nice that you were able to use things you had on hand. Your friend is gonna love it. best wishes, Tammy
