Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Vintage Christmas Cards

 I received these postcards in the early 1960's from my penpal in England.  We kept in touch through high school and into college.  Her name was Jean.  I'm not sure where I got her name.  One thing I remember was that she sent me pictures of the Beatles before they became famous here in the US.  I still have some of those pictures that she clipped from the British newspapers. 

I love all three of these card but the top one is my favorite.  I just love the hat and holly.  Every time I get these cards out, it reminds me of the fun we had corresponding alll those years ago.  I'd love to know what happened to her.

I'm linking to Vintage Thingie Thursday.  Stop by and see other posts of vintage items.


  1. Hi Pam....OMGosh these cards are priceless not only for the memories but also for their graphics. The airplane one is probably a huge collectible with the British Flags and airport scene. I bet your penpal wonders about you too. How fun!

    Visiting from VTT...hope you have a chance to visit CITexas Gal...I've a Christmas Quilt to show you.

  2. I love that first one, too. Sooo cute.
    Over from Colo Lady

  3. Each one is unique and cute in its own way. You definitely should keep them. I love the first one.

  4. Love this post! How fun to have a pen pal! So wonderful you still have the darling cards you received and can revisit the days long ago. & How fun to have letters about the Beatles! I have a birthday card my best friend sent me as a pre-teen and she cut out pictures of the Beatles heads and glued them on my card. :)

    Happy VTT!

  5. That first image is tres adorbs! Gonna have to grab it for one of my posts .... Visiting you from VTT.

    Come and join me for my Countdown to Kitschmas.

  6. There's just something about vintage cards. You have a nice collection. So cool about your pen pal Jean.

  7. Wow! Things sure did change over here. Happy Holidays! Those cards are great. Too bad you and Jean aren't still in touch. When I first came to Kuwait, I met a guy on the flight who was from Warsaw. We corresponded for a while after that so I have a few postcards from him. When he traveled to Texas at one point after that, I had a friend there who met him and helped him find his way around. I wish we had kept in touch. Best wishes, Tammy

  8. Love your old cards!! I've had my penpal for about 40 years now - and we finally got to meet 3 years ago - it was just like we saw each other every day......
