Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jelly Roll 1600 Quilt

Yesterday I posted that I had taken a Jelly Roll 1600 class that morning at Mulqueen's Sewing Center in East Mesa.  I had seen the finished quilt in their shop and decided to signup for the class.  I had no idea what Jelly Roll 1600 was or that it was a "race" to the finish.  I didn't even check the web until I came home yesterday from class.  Here is a link to a  Jelly Roll 1600  "RACE".   I won't bore you with the details here but if you want more info check this video.  The 1600 refers to the 1600" strip of fabric sewn from 40 jelly roll strips.  We used this long strip to begin the race.  One lady on the video finished in 30 some minutes.  Our winner finished in 48 minutes and we thought we were fast.  I finished in 3rd place at 52 minutes and received a Mulqueen's gift certificate.  They are to email me a photo of the three winners and I will post.  It is interesting to see how each quilt top is so unique.

The quilt top is finished in class and then you add the batting, backing, and binding at home.  I will be taking this to our vacation home in Kentucky to complete.  I'll post a photo of the quilt when finished.  It was fun class.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mini-Redwork Quilt

I finished my project for the week.  I'm loving this mini-redwork quilt.  The photo doesn't do it justice.  I'll try to take a better photo later. 

I participated in a Jelly Roll 1600 today at Mulqueens Sewing Center.  What a great class.  I won third prize ( $10.00 gift certificate).  I completed my quilt top in 52 minutes.  The winner finished in 48.  It was interesting to see how each quilt had it's own unique flavor.  I'll post a photo of mine later and describe the experience.  Now I'm off the watch the D-back game.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fabric for Redwork Quilt

Here is the fabric that I selected from my stash for the Redword mini-quilt.  The quilting pattern has a star design.  I'm hoping to complete all the quilt squares tomorrow.  Haven't decided what color to use for the binding.  I have a red and white check that might look cute. 

I continue to use my stash for these projects.  I'm thinking I may make a larger redword quilt for myself later this summer.  I think I'll have enough of the fabric left after this project.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Redwork Quilt Block

This week I am working on a redword mini-quilt.  My first block is completed.  I am using designs from Anita Goodesign's Baltimore quilt collection.  I am using cotton Size 30 red thread as recommended by Martha Pullen.  I attended one of her workshops years ago and she made this suggestion.  I think it gives it more dimension with the larger thread.  I also purchased red bobbin thread for this project.  I haven't decided on the red fabric for the fabric squares.  I have a few reds in my stash and will audition them when redwork squares are completed. 

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.  We did breakfast with my son's family.  Of course, one of the great things about is being a mom is that then you get to be a grandma.  I truly enjoy spending time with the two granddaughters. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sunbonnet Sue

I completed my project for the week this morning.  It is a Sunbonnet Sue mini quilt.  It can be used as a tabletopper, wallhanging, or ?????  All the squares are machine embroidery.  Designs are  from Anita Goodesigns.  The fabric is 30s reproductions from my stash. 

I'm making these little quilts as gifts for friends.  They are small and a great way to experiment with my embroidery designs.  Next up, I'm planning to try redwork blocks.  I have a Redwork Quilt pack from Martha Pullen that I would like to use.  That will be my next week project. 

I'm so glad I am able to use my stash for these projects.  It's like they cost me nothing!!! (I do realize that I spent lots of $$$$$ on the design packs and fabric but I'm not spending anything now.) 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mini Bookshelf Quilt

My goal is to complete at least one project each week.  This is my project for the past week.  I found the tutorial on Craftsy by Elizabeth Dackson.  I have to admit that I found some of the instructions confusing but in the end I am quiet pleased with the results.  It is a birthday present for a friend who is a librarian and quilter.  When I saw the little quilted wall hanging, I knew I had to make one for her.
I thought using the selvages from fabric was a very creative use of something we would otherwise discard.  The original pattern didn't include the stippling of the background but I thought it would help to highlight the books.   This was a great way to use some of the fabric in my stash.

Next week I hope to begin working on three table-toppers for my lunch group ladies.