Friday, August 27, 2010

Halloween Altered Book

I'm making a Halloween Altered Book with vintage cards and prints and photos of granddaughters.  These are the first two pages.  I finished these last evening.  While organizing my studio, I collected Halloween themed items and set aside.  Now I'll have fun making a little altered book.  The book will have ten pages.  Eight more to go. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fanjapani Scrap Mini-Quilt

Here is my latest scrap mini-quilt.  The pattern is Fanjapani.  I purchased the pattern and templates for the two pieces a few years ago.  As I was sorting fabric scraps last weeks, I cut these pieces from the smaller fabric scraps.  I found just enough black in my stash to complete the sashing and border (actually had to piece one of the borders).  I'm thinking of stippling the black border with gold thread or maybe I'll stick with a simple quilting in black.   What do you think?

Another Project from Leftovers

I made this little tablerunner yesterday.  A few years ago I made a quilted wallhanging from these blocks.  I found the block pattern on the web and used a charm pack.  I used most of the squares.  While organizing my studio I found these leftovers in a bag and stitched into a tablerunner.  The backing and binding are leftover fabric from a tote bag. 
I decided to use a stipple stitch.  It's been quite awhile since I did stippling but I think it turned out nicely.  I stippled with the backing facing up.  I find the blocks sometimes get in the way of free motion stitching.  By stitching on the back, you still get lovely stitches on the top.  I continue to use my scraps and leftovers.   It is fun to see what you can come up with.  I'm now working a a few squares using a circular template and scraps from the scrap basket.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

September Quiltie - "Orange"

The theme for our alphabet quilt swap this month is orange for the letter "O".  We started months ago with "A" and now we on "O".  The swap is hosted by Penny in the Yahoo group, Fabric in Altered Arts 2.  I've received some lovely quilties from members of the group.  The size of our quilties are 6" x 6".

I collected orange fabric and embellishments during my studio organization and finally settled on this design using strips of orange fabric.  I  embellished with silk flower, button, felt butterfly, fabric patch, and vintage jewelry piece.  The edges are bound with vintage seam binding.

Friday, August 20, 2010

You're Sew Special Card

I made one more card last evening while watching the ballgame.  (D-backs lost again!)  For this card I used Graphic 45 paper and a Clear Art Stamp.  I also use In Stitch'z for the border.  I'm having fun with these cards but it's time to get busy working on cleaning and organizing all the stuff in the garage.  Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In Stitch'z Gentleman Card

My last card of the day is made of  leftover paper from the "A Proper Gentleman Collection" by Graphic 45.  My sister and I took a Father's Day book class in Payson and these were some of the left over papers.  The "In Stitch'z" really add character to the card.    I'm pleased with all three cards I made today and I was able to use things in my studio.  The first two are already addressed and will go in the mail tomorrow.  Now I'm off the watch the D-backs on t.v.

Another "In Stitch'z" Card

Just finished another card using In Stitch'z products.  Again I used scrap pieces of scrapbooking paper from my studio.  These are fun.  Maybe I'll do a few more. 

New In Stitch'z Card

I decided to try my hand at designing a card using the In Stitch'z products that I purchased Monday night.  Since I am still committed to using up things in my studio and stash, I made this card from scraps of scrapbook papers.  I also used embroidery floss from my stash.  I'm very pleased with card.  I will be mailed to a friend tomorrow to say "Thank You".

I think I may work on a few more of these cards while I have the supplies out.  If friends were flowers, I would pick my blogging friends for sure.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My JOY Flag

I had been thinking of designing a Healing Flag.  A creative prompt this week "Sprouting Joy" gave the inspiration for this JOY flag.  I used lots of recycled items and other goodies I found in my studio.  I'm thinking I'll make more and hang across my studio window.  What word should I do next?????????

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fun Card Class

These cards were made at a fun class last evening at the Paper Vineyard (the same store where I made the Beach Printer Tray on Saturday).  We used the In Stitch'z by Bazzill.  It was so easy to use and I love the stitches on the cards.  Thread and fabric are my first love and anytime I can add it to projects, I'm happy. 
I bought a started kit and think my GD R1 will enjoy making these cards.  I think I'll make up the kits just like they did in class and then she can assemble.  It was a great way to spend an evening. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wild West Tag # 2

This is my second tag for the Wild West Tag Swap.  They will go in the mail next week. It will be fun to see what my partner sends me.

Wild West Tag Swap

A few weeks ago I signed up for a Wild West Tag Swap on Paula's blog.  Imagine my surprise when I saw a link to my blog along with photos of two of my Western Themed Fabric Postcards.  And the biggest surprise of all, one of my cowgirls quilties is the first prize she is offering.  Just click here to visit Paula's blog and see my fabric art.

She commissioned the little quiltie over a year ago and now it's being featured on her blog.  I am so honored.

Pictured at the top of this post  is my first tag for the swap.  I am to send two tags to Paula.  I'm off the work on the second one.

Simply Crazy Quilted completed

I finished the binding on my Simply Crazy Quilt yesterday morning.  Today was a bright day outside so I decided to take a photo of the finished quilt on our outdoor swing. 
What a great way to use up those pieces of fabric left over from previous projects.  All the items (including the backing) are from my stash.  I didn't have enougth of either of the backing fabrics, so I decided to combine them. 
I followed the wavy lines on the backing and border fabric for machine quilting.  I also stitched in the ditch in across the wavy lines.  I'm now looking for more fabric to make another of these quilts.  I'm lov'n this pattern.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summertime Fun - Beach Printer Tray

Just completed a fun class at Paper Vineyard.  I had heard of this scrapbooking store but hadn't been there until this week.  I was out and about and decided to check it out.  What a lovely scrapbooking store with so many great items.  I saw the example for this class and decided to sign up.  It was a fun class everything was provided, we just cut out paper and added out embellishments.  Doesn't it look great on my new blue wall!  I'm going back for a card making class on Monday evening.  It has been quite awhile since I took any classses here in the valley.  It's time to get back into the scrapbooking mode.

To see the class samples click here.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Match Box Swap

I recently signed up for the Countdown to Christmas Match Box Swap.  I purchased my match boxes at the Dollar Store this week.  Today made my first box.  I wanted to try out my ideas and see if they would work.  I painted the inside sliding section with green paint and added a ribbon hanger and a drawer pull made from a gold brad and pony bead.  I covered the outer box with Christmas sheet music, added Stickles glitter, gold trim, and a Christmas embellishment.  I distressed the edges with Ranger Distress ink.  I'm quite pleased with the prototype and think I'll use this basic idea for my other boxes.

We are to put a little something special in each box.  I working on collecting my special items to include.  What a fun way to celebrate the holidays.  We will receive 25 match boxes from 25 different people. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Borders are on Simply Crazy Quilt

I added the border to the Simply Crazy Quilt this afternoon after the movie.  My DH and I are both retired educators.  He a coach and teacher.  I was a teacher and administrator.  We thought we would celebrate the first day of school by having a great lunch and then a movie.   Youngest granddaughter (R -2) completed her first day of kinder and said she had a great day.  According to her, everyone in her class is "nice".  

The photo doesn't show the true colors of the quilt but you get the idea.  I'm hoping to add the backing to the quilt tomorrow and begin quilting.  I'm thinking I'll follow the wavy lines in the border and use wavy stitches for the quilting. 

Progress on my Simply Crazy Quilt

Squares are now sewn together!

My squares are now sewn together.  What an easy quilt to assemble!  There are no matching intersections and by pressing the seams in opposite directions the squares meet perfectly.  I'm loving this quilt pattern and will probably do another as I collect squares during my organizing and decluttering.

I have the border fabric selected.  It is a bright and cheerful stripe.  I will use a child's print for the corner squares.  Next step cut out the borders.  I'm off to lunch and a movie and then it will be back to the studio.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Simply Crazy Quilt

Look what's on my design wall!!!!!!!!!!

If you read my blog, you know that I'm in the process of decluttering and organizing my studio.  As a part of the organizing, I decided to go through my fabric leftovers from years past.  It was time to "use them or lose them".  I looked through my quilt patterns and found this Simply Crazy quilt pattern by Karla Alexander.  It was the perfect way to "use them".  The pattern requires 11" squares of fabric.  I was able to find enough pieces of fabric to make a small quilt.  I'm thinking it will become a baby quilt with a cute children's print as the border.  Is is so bright and colorful and does include some juvenile prints fabrics. 

Tomorrow I will sew the squares together and add a bright border.  I am making some progress with my studio.  I'm still organizing and sorting things but it's looking good.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another Fabric Postcard

Irish Blessing Fabric Postcard

I have been organizing and decluttering my studio.  It is a long process but I can see a little progress.  As I was sorting yesterday, I found this uncompleted fabric postcard.   I decided to finish it and send to friends.  We recently spent a lovely two days at their home in the mountains.  It will be a thank you card and will go in the mail tomorrow.  The gold embellishment on the card was a gift from Constance from Fiber Art Traders (FAT).  It worked perfectly for the postcard. 

As I sort fabric, I have identified a few pieces that I will use for fabric postcards.  I'm still attempting to use my stash whenever possible.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Wish You Were Here" Fabric Postcard

Diana on Fiber Art Traders  (FAT) is hosting a fabric postcard trade with the theme "Wish You Were Here".  It could be a place we have visited or one we would like to visit.  And then yesterday I received a lovely South American Mystery Quilt from Constance and inside were these two pieces of fabric and the PelTex to make a postcard.  So I made this little New York fabric postcard.  My DH and I would like to visit NYC and go see the Mets and Yankees play baseball.  Many thanks to Constance for the lovely fabric.  I did the machine stitching on my Janome 11000. 

I'll post a picture of the South American Mystery Quilt later. 

Embroidery Floss Travel Sewing Kit for Dani

This is the travel sewing kit that I made for Dani in the Embroidery Floss Travel Sewing Kit Swap.  She received it in the mail this week.  I had fun selecting items that fit her theme of Fun and Funky.  I was so pleased to find the Fun & Funky Embroidery Design Book.  We were to fill a vintage clutch with embroidery items.  I found a vintage bag and added recycled vintage lace and a large button as embellishments. 

I also made a pincushion and needlecase for Dani.  You can see the pincushion I made here and the needlecase here.  Dani wrote that her favorite item was the monogrammed needlecase.  I'm so pleased that she liked the items I selected for her.  This was a fun swap.  And most important I made a new friend.  Happy Stitching Dani!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"N" Quiltie - NIGHT

This is my "N" quiltie for the Alphabet Swap on Fabric in Altered Art 2.  The letter for August is "N".  The fabrics are recycled from items in my studio.  I'm still working to use my "stash" whenever possible.  I used my Janome 11000 to quilt the work "night" across the sky.  I'll be mailing this little quilt to Penny, our hostess, later this week.  Penny mailed our "M" quilties this week.  I can't wait to see which beautiful quiltie I receive.  This is a fun swap.  Much thanks to Penny for coordinating it all these months.  I think we are halfway there!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Look What I Received from Danielle

I received these wonderful goodies from Danielle in the Embroidery Floss Travel Sewing Kit Swap.  I love the green embroidery floss and all the other wonderful sewing items she included in the kit.  This was a fun swap.  I mailed her kit today.  She described her style as Fun and Funky so that's the theme I selected for her kit.  I'll post photos later this week after she has received her box.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Redecorating

I finally finished framing and hanging my Face on Fabric piece.  It hangs above the "large screen tv" in our newly painted living/dining room.  I have tried to camouflage the tv between two bookcases.  Of course we must have our receiver and our Wii.  So I added my Josephina doll and a vintage cranberry glass lamp.  All the pieces on the bookcase shelves have a special significance.  Later I plan to post each bookcase in detail.  The room is coming together nicely.  I'm quite pleased with my paint color selection.  It's Wave Crest by Behr.

The Faces on Fabric piece was completed during an on-line class from Terri Stegmiller, Josephina was a Christmas gift from my DH many years ago, and the cranberry glass lamp is a thrift store find.  I think they make a nice vignette above that large black box.