Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year to all my Blog Friends.  DH and I had a lovely New Years Eve at home after a nice dinner out.  Our little doggie is upset by fireworks so we were here to reassure him that all is well in 2013.  We are looking forward to good health in the coming year.
I have finally decided on my word for 2013.  It is frugal.   According to my readings, furgal  it’s about living smarter, so that you can afford to live the life that you want to live.  The key word being YOU.   After reading about frugal living, I came to underatand that it isn't about deprivation but instead it's about creativity, organization, planning, making wise decisions, and much more.  All to help you live the life you want to live.  I think it is just what my 2013 should be about.  I hope to blog about some of my frugal living experiences in 2013.  (Of course, my love of thrift store shopping fits right into frugal living!)


  1. Happy New Year, sounds like a nice evening.

  2. Glad you had a nice night. We stayed home too. Can't wait to see your frugal posts. Isn't thrift store shopping the best? Happy 2013!

  3. Sounds like a good word to live by for 2013.

  4. I love your word, Pam! I love to think of frugal ways to do things!
