Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day.
These lovely tulips are from my DH.  In addition to flowers, I received tickets to a Kenny Roger's concert here in March.  Flowers and concert tickets are a girl's  best friend.  Thanks to my wonderful DH for a great Valentine's day.  We had our Valentine's dinner last evening. 
Wishing each of you a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with hearts, flowers, and other goodies from the heart.


  1. Glad to hear you had such a lovely day. Kenny Rogers has always been one of my favorites. I'm sure you will have a great time at the concert. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  2. Glad you had a great day. Enjoy Kenny Rogers when you see him.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Valentines Day. Sorry I'm late making the blogging rounds-I've had cold this week. Happy Belated V Day.

  4. What a nice gift and now you have this event to look forward to. Love those beautiful tulips.

  5. Hi Pam,
    Just catching up here. :)
    What a great hubby you have. Love the tulips that he gave you for Valentine's Day. When is the concert? Hope you really enjoy it.
    Are your granddaughter's already sewing on the machine? Love the little purses that they made. They have a great teacher (you) .
    I just uploaded some Gypsy Fortune teller Tags to my blos if you would like to see them and pelase leave a comment if you can.
    Hugs and take care
