Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's Finally Beginning to Look Like Christmas

Thought I'd begin sharing some of our Christmas decorations.  I worked on the Living/Dining Room over the weekend.  This is our new tree.  I decided to purchase a Slim Line tree this year.  I only had to move a side table to accommodate the tree.  No major move of furniture this year~ Yeah!
I chose a blue theme.  Many of the ornaments are vintage.  Some gifted to me by my sister.  Some purchased at the thrift store.  Decided to make a bow for the top.  I'm very pleased with the results.  Fabric wrapped around the base is a piece of vintage Christmas themed blue print cotton.  Now all we need is for me to wrap some presents to put under it.
The Snowman in the background was purchased years ago at a craft fair.  He is painted on an old cabinet door.  He is one of my favorites from my collection.  And most important he is easy to store.  This year I decided to display most of our snowmen on shelves (I'll post photo later).  I'm almost finished with my tablescape with features logs from Ky.


  1. Your tree is beautiful with the blue ornaments. You don't see that very often and I just love it. Those skinny trees are great, aren't they?

  2. So pretty! I love the blue theme and the slim design. I'm not a big fan of having to rearrange all the furniture to accommodate the tree. It's perfect!

  3. Such a pretty tree! Love the blue!

  4. Oh, how lovely your blue tree looks. And, I like the slim shape, too. I got a new one this year and it isn't quite that slim, but it's only 6 ft tall and not too chubby. Enjoy these pre-holiday days!!
