Sunday, December 8, 2013

November Swap Card and Tag

I received this card and tag from Debbie.  She was my swap partner in the November Swap for all Seasons.  The color for November was brown and she included these lovely hand dyed ribbons and distressed tags from her stash.  She does lovely work and you can see her work by clicking on her name above.  Thanks Debbie for a wonderful swap. 
You can find out more info about the Swap for All Seasons by clicking the link on the left.  The January Swap is closed but February Swap is just around the corner.
On a personal note, we are back in Arizona after spending most of October and November at our vacation home in Kentucky.  Slow internet in the country prevents me from doing much blogging.  I hope to begin regular postings.  I've tried to keep up on reading my favorite blogs but wasn't able to comment at times.
You can see my November swap cards and tag on the previous post.


  1. Thanks Pam. Glad you're home safe and sound. Still covered with ice here in Dallas. Hopefully tomorrow we can finally get out. Lovely tags!

  2. Hi Pam, glad you are back. Your monthly swaps sound like fun! Wishing you a wonderful week. Tammy
