Thursday, January 16, 2014

Look What I Found at Goodwill!

I was so excited to find a vintage feed sack yesterday at Goodwill.  I immediately recognized the fabric as vintage but didn't realize it was a feed sack until I took a closer look.  It is still a sack.  The stitching hasn't been removed.  The price ----- 99 cents.  But it was Senior Day so I paid 75 cents for this lovely piece of fabric.

Feed sacks are stitched with a type of a chain stitch which can easily be removed.  You just have to find the securing stitch and then pull on the thread.  It should pull out easily to reveal a flat piece of fabric.  Above you can see the securing stitch.

I'm thinking the fabric is probably from the 50s because of the design and color.  Feed sacks were made until the mid 60s according to the information I read.  I have collected a few other feed sacks over the years and even won a set of vintage feed squares which I sewed into a table runner.  I also made a doll dress from one of my feed sack fabrics.  I sent the doll to Russia as part of a Valentine Doll Swap a few years ago.  You can see the doll here.

I found the image below on Pinterest.  Thought you might enjoy seeing it too.

I'm linking to Vintage Thingie Thursday.


  1. You were very lucky to find this feed sack. When I was growing up, all our cloths were made from them.

  2. What a lucky find. The color is still so vibrant and it looks like it's in really good condition. Love the old image too.

  3. Lucky find! My girlfriend buys wool jackets and uses them for the wool, not the jacket, she got one Wednesday for $1.

  4. Peggy, I bought wool sweaters and felted it. I was going to make stuffed animals. Then I discovered that I'm allergic to wool. Sent it all to a lady in Texas that was using felted wool in her projects.

  5. What a great find!!! I've seen reproduction seed sack fabrics but never the real thing. I should go out to the Goodwill once it warms up here!
