Sunday, April 13, 2014

Honorable Mention Arizona Quilt Guild 2014

I recently entered my quilt in the 2014 Arizona Quilt Show.  This was the first time I had entered a quilt in competition.  Imagine my surprise when I received a call that my quilt had won an award.  I was invited to bring a friend to the awards ceremony prior to the opening of the show.  How exciting!

I won Honorable Mention in the Embroidery Category.  I posted about this quilt previously.  The design is Anita Goodesign's Great Outdoors.  Borders are Mix and Match Quilting.  Also by Anita Goodesigns.  I'm considering entering the quilt in another show this summer but haven't decided yet.

It was nice to see that other's appreciate the work I do.  My sister has told me for years that I should enter my quilts in competition but this was the first time I listened to her. 

If you haven't attended a Quilt Show, I encourage you to go.  There are many wonderful "works of art" to see.  Many of today's quilts are designed and quilted using the latest in technology.  Digitized designs are very popular today in  both machine embroidery and long arm quilting.  As a friend and new quilter commented after the show "the designs are very simple but it's the quilting that takes it to another level".  If you are a traditionalist, you will see beautiful traditional quilts also.


  1. Congratulations, Pam! Your quilt is beautiful...and you deserved to win. I agree that it's wonderful when others appreciate your work...and I'm sure many people did as they walked through the show. Now go enter some more!

  2. Hi Pam! I've been thinking about you! For some reason, your blog was not in my sidebar so I'm glad you stopped by for a visit. Yay for the honorable mention. Your quilts are gorgeous. You should enter more competitions. I love going to quilt shows. Should be one here next month for the Kuwait Textile Art Exhibition. Last year they changed the way they do it and the venue, so I wasn't too happy about that and didn't go.

    Progress is only attained when common sense prevails and whoever designed our walking path clearly wasn't thinking. I hate it!

    Have a great day. Tammy
