Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Keeping it on the "Q.T." Quilting Tip # 1

Recently I was selected as a member of Quiltmaker's Scrap Squad.  Monday, we received our first quilt assignment.   I decided to Google the word SCRAPPY -

 Scrappy -  consisting of disorganized, untidy, or incomplete parts:

No one wants a quilt that is disorganized, untidy or incomplete.  So how do you use scraps in a quilt and keep it organized, tidy, and complete.  Well here is Q. T. # 1.

"Choose an inspiration fabric and let it be  your guide."

I began by looking through my stash of fabric.  The fabric below had been in my stash for a few years waiting for the perfect quilt.  I decided to use it as my inspiration fabric.

It is a hand dyed fabric.  Not sure how I will use it in the quilt but it will serve as my guide for selecting scraps of fabric.  After looking at the inspiration fabric, I remembered that I had recently purchased a small amount of various colors of hand dyed ombre fabrics.  I placed then on the inspiration. 
I eliminated the gray and red fabrics. The gray was completely wrong and the red was a little too red.  (not pinkish enough)
I decide to go with these six colors.  Again I'm not sure how I will use them but I added them to my stack.
Now comes the fun part, gathering together my scraps.  Since this is the Scrap Squad the scraps will be the focal part of the quilt.
I began by going through my scraps and selecting fabrics that were similar in color to the six colors above.
I auditioned each fabric and some were eliminated as was the yellow fabric shown below.  It has similar colors but was too yellow.
I have a maybe "pile" of scraps. You can see them at the top of the photo below.  I can always go back and add then to the mix if I choose.
If you are having trouble deciding whether or not to use a certain fabric, sometimes it helps to take a photo and look at the photo.  It can give you another point of view.  Here I used my IPad and took a photo. I eliminated a few fabrics after viewing the photo.
Below is my final selection of scraps.  You will notice that I eliminated the orange ombre and one of the blues.  I also eliminated the orange scraps and combined all the blues into one stack.  Now I have my inspiration fabric, 4 ombre hand dyes, and my scraps in four piles.
All of these selections were based on my one inspiration fabric.   I have found this to be a simple and effective means of selecting a variety of scraps for my quilts. 
My final stack of scraps
And I didn't add in any of my "maybe" fabric this time but often I do go back and revisit those fabrics.  This time I had enough variety without them. 
Hope you enjoyed my Keeping it on the "Q.T." Quilting Tip # 1.

"Let an inspiration fabric be your guide."

Oh yes! Leave your fabric out on your table for a few hours or days.  Walk by and see if you are concerned about any of the fabrics or if something is missing.  After doing this, I decided I needed a POP of COLOR.  Referring back to my inspiration fabric, I decided to add yellow as my POP.
Remember, I still don't know how I will use these fabrics but my quilt design is beginning to come into focus.  I'm pleased with the fabrics I selected and know that they "fit together".  Now the quilt  design will begin to take shape.   I won't be able to share the quilt pattern until my quilt is revealed in March but I will share more later as I make design decisions.


  1. Congrats, Pam, for being selected to the Scrap Squad!!! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I also like to pull out lots of fabric to see what works...that's half the fun of quilting. Your colors are so bright and them!

  2. Your post about our new adventure on the Scrap Squad is wonderful! Great inspiration. I have my design but not the final decision on fabrics yet!

  3. Love your explaination of how you go about selecting your fabrics!!! and all the pictures to boot. :) Good luck with your time on the Scrap Squad will look forward to seeing your quilts as they come to life.

  4. A great post Pam! Enjoyed seeing how you work through the fabric selection. Your squad mate.... Kathy
