Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Magical Slice and Dice Now Quilted

I first posted about this quilt a year ago here.  I finally had a chance to quilt the top on my new Handi Quilter.  I decided to quilt each block with a feather design.  I used it as an opportunity to center and skew my quilting designs.  It took awhile but I'm pleased with the results.

I even learned to add triangles to the outer triangle sections. 

Once I had quilted the blocks and triangles, I decided that I needed a little something in the corners where the blocks meet.  So I added a simple little leaf.  Hope you can see it in the left corner of this pictures.

The quilting actually shows up better on the back of the quilt.  I'm pleased at the results of my very first Pro Stitcher quilt.  Hope there are many more to come.  There is so much to learn about Flora but she is very cooperative!  I'm naming the quilt Golden Lavender and it will be a surprise gift for a very special young lady.