Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mini Sampler Swap

It has taken me awhile to post about the Mini Sampler Swap.  You can read about it by clicking the image on the left side of my blog or here.

This is the January sampler I made.  It includes 30s reproduction fabric, a vintage hankie, lace, rick rack, and a flower and button.

I received a sampler from Linda.  You can see the sampler on her blog.  I will post a photo of my entire clothes line of samplers later.
Here is the sampler I made for Linda in February. The base if from a vintage barkcloth drapery,  I added vintage crochet lace, sequins, and a butterfly.  I also added some mini clothes pins.
I received a sampler from Heidi that was also on vintage fabric.  I'll post a photo of it later.


  1. Lovely sampler banner. I am sew enjoying Linda's monthly swaps. Creative Bliss...

  2. Very pretty. I'd love to see the entire sampler banner. Hope all is well. Tammy


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