Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fab Four Goodie Bags

Many years ago I endured a horrible weekend class for teachers taught by two incompetent instructors from the U of A. The class met on Friday evening and all day Saturday for three weeks. On the first Saturday four of us decided to go to lunch and have a margaritta. It made the afternoon go a little faster. We did the same the next Saturday and by the third Saturday we were a little group and decided to continue to meet on a regular basis. We call our group the FAB FOUR. Since that time long ago, we have continued to meet. We have supported each other through illnesses, deaths of parents and friends, weddings, births of grandchildren, retirements, and other occasions of celebration and sorrow. Most recently they have been a great support to me after the death of our son last year. From that terrible class came a wonderful support system. Something good did indeed come from something terrible. I love them all and tell them regularly.

We continue to meet and have a tradition of bringing gifts once a year to the group. I have summer this year and these are the bags I designed for the three other women. I purchased the bags and attached their felt initials with tulle. Inside are goodies that I collected over the past year with a garden theme. We will have lunch at the Red Robin this week (isn't that appropriate for a garden theme!) and they will receive their bag of goodies.


  1. What a nice story. I love it when something great comes from something that didn't start out that way!

  2. What a lovely bag - and I love the fact that your group continued after the class ended. What would we do without our friends?
