Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Shades of Ivory Quiltie

The color theme for Quilties in August on Fabric in Altered Art is "Shades of Ivory". This little quiltie was made from two pieces I picked up in a bag of linens at the thrift store. I brought them home and immediately washed and dried the items. I think they are homemade on someone's embroidery machine. They were probably intended as napkins are hankies but they are now a lovely quiltie for the swap. Usually I use Peltex for my quilties but I used warm and natural this time. The embellishment is also a thrift store find. I think they were left over from a wedding. There were probably 20 of these little goodies in various shapes and sizes. I have used a number of them in my art and still have a few left for future projects.

This completes my August swap pieces. Now to get everything ready to mail.

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