Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hello from Bluegrass Country

But today the grass isn't so blue. We are experiencing a very dry August and crops are in need of a good rain.I decided to post a hello while I'm here in the country enjoying the wonderful cool weather. It's been in the 50's and 60's at night and 80's in the day. If we could just get rain. I have been watering our yard but realize that it is a never ending task since I would need to water the entire hillside. So I have decided to water the driest places.  Our home is out in the country and we only have dial-up service.  I plan to try and post a picture later but have my doubts that I can do this with such slow internet.  Guess I can live with slow internet to have such a lovely place for rest and relaxation.Tonight I will fry catfish.  Never done this before but my neighbor stopped by on Sunday evening with a "mess" of catfish.  I have cornbread in the oven and slaw in the fridge.  Guess I'll have a Southern dinner.  Life is so rough here on Moss Road!!!!!! ha! ha!  Will attempt to post a pic later.

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