Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Here is a photo of our backyard in Kentucky.  Normally at this time of year it should be lush green.  You can see how dry our pasture is.  The neighbors' cows graze there but they don't have much to eat now.  The corn and soybeans in the distance are extremely dry.  No rain is expected until sometime next week.  I'll be back in Arizona before they have rain. Had a great meal earlier.  First time I had fried catfish but they tasted great.  I had slaw, cornbread and fresh tomatoes from my uncle's garden.  This is great time to visit.  The tomatoes are fresh from the garden.  The corn is gone now but I was able to get a few ears.  Country living is very special.  I've been to the quilt shop and will go stock up on fabric on Friday.  Karen is having a great sale.  I will lunch with a childhood friend tomorrow.  Probably won't post again for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful! And, yes, I'm jealous. It's still stinkin hot here. It's August in Arizona and I'm so ready for it to be gone! Have a great time!
