Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rose of Sharon

This beautiful bloom is a Rose of Sharon. I have a few of the shrubs in our yard in Kentucky. I took this photo and think I may use it as inspiration for an art quilt.

I am glad to be back in the "Blog World". I find it difficult to blog on the extremely slow dial-up service that we have at our country home. I arrived back in Phoenix yesterday. It's good to be home but I had a wonderful visit with family and friends. I also had time to shop the sale at Granny's Attic and complete some of my projects. I'll post photos of those projects later.

I had posted earlier about the dry conditions in our area of Kentucky. We finally had a good soaking rain on Monday afternoon. The grass greened up immediately and the temperatures were cooler when I left Tuesday morning. Looking forward to some time at home. We will return to Kentucky for Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! We did get a good soaking didn't we? Love the Rose of Sharon photo!
